Friday, 20 November 2015

Feature Friday: Chloe Giordano Embroidery

Where are you from?
I'm originally from Buckinghamshire, England, but I've lived in Oxford for the last couple of years.

Where do you currently practice your artwork?
I work from home, I do well having everything together so I can pick something up again if I suddenly get an idea (and someone has to keep the dog company).
Are you self taught or have you completed any training?
I have a degree in illustration from the University of the West of England, but taught myself to sew in my last year and have continued exploring this medium by myself since.
How would you describe your artwork/process?
My previous study of traditional illustration comes in handy here, I always start work from a detailed drawing I've put together after studying some references, all things I learned to do when working with pencil and paint. Once I'm happy with the drawing I begin the embroidery, usually starting from the nose and working out, packing the stitches together to create that 'solid' appearance I like to aim for.
What is your biggest influence/inspiration?
Probably the natural world, I occasionally stray out into other areas but always find myself back looking at animals and plants. I collect nature guides and look through them a lot for inspiration.
To see more of Chloe's beautiful work you can follow her here:

If you are interested in showcasing your work click here to find out more!

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