Where are you from?
I was born in Paisley, Scotland, so I'm Scottish but we moved down to Surrey when I was quite young so unfortunantly I
don't have a Scottish accent.
Where do you currently practice your artwork?
I have a purpose-built studio in my back garden which is so useful, especially having a 3 year-old girl, it's important to have
my artwork nearby so I can get on with it with any given opportunity!
Are you self taught or have you completed any training?
I would say the drawing and painting skills were mainly self-taught as neither of my parents were artists but I did do a Fine
Art Degree that really helped hone my ideas and focus.
How would you describe your artwork/process?
The materials I use are mainly various kinds of paint, oil, acrylic and spray paint. I also sometimes use gold leaf and pencil
so mixed media is perhaps the best description, though sometimes I find this a bit vague-especially when I see it on
paintings for sale as I like to know what media has been used.
What is your biggest influence/inspiration?
Animals, obviously. I would say 'nature' but it really is the animals and insects I focus on. I'm going through a real insect
phase at the moment with bees, moths and butterfly wings-blowing them up really large to draw attention to them.
What has been the biggest highlight of your career so far?
So far it has been having my work projected on the biggest screen on Europe on the Vente Privée Building as you enter
Paris in December 2016 as part of an ecological venture with Pucci.
What are you working on at the moment?
I am mainly focused on my endangered animal series of which I have had two solo shows. The first in 2016 called
'Survival' in Nottingham at the George Thornton Gallery, and the most recent called 'Edge of Existence' in London with
Curious Duke Gallery. The series will eventually become a book in 2018 with Templar Publishing which I am very excited
Where can people see your work?
I have a list of galleries on my website www.louisemcnaught.com where my prints and originals can be seen,
I also part-take in art fairs which are in the Exhibitions section.
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