Thursday, 15 June 2017

Feature Friday: Demelsa Haughton Illustration

Where are you from and where do you currently practice your artwork?
I live in North Yorkshire (UK) with my partner and our three children. I work from home which is a lovely commute!
My studio is 'under construction' at the moment so for now I work wherever I can find some quiet. 

Are you self taught or have you completed any training?
All self taught. I've always drawn and painted with traditional media but I was introduced to Photoshop and Illustrator
while doing a degree in fashion and fell in love with it. I did many, many frustrating tutorials to get the hang of it and I 
now remember approximately 1% of what I learned! I only use the basic features which is enough for how I use it though.
How would you describe your artwork/process?
I usually, but not always, start with a simple pencil sketch which I upload to Photoshop to paint. Sometimes I will know
where I am heading with a painting, other times an idea will come to me while aiming for something completely different.
Working digitally allows me go in different directions without having to start again and waste precious time.
What is your biggest influence/inspiration?
I love all things other worldly (the ultimate escapism) so that probably feeds my work quite a lot. I still feel heavily
influenced by my favourite books and films from my childhood, anything by Roald Dahl, The Lion The Witch and the
Wardrobe, Wizard of Oz, Labyrinth etc. 
What has been the biggest highlight of your career so far?
The first picture book I illustrated was published last year which was a highlight. But every time I sell a greeting card or a
print is a bit of a highlight too!
What are you working on at the moment?
As well as building up a greeting card and art prints business I'm also currently working on a second children's picture book
for Australian publisher Tusk Books.
Where can people see your work?

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