Thursday 11 May 2017

Feature Friday: Johnathan Reiner Art

Where are you from?
Born in Los Angeles, grew up in Jerusalem, New York, New Jersey and San Fransisco and currently bouncing between
East London and Tel Aviv.
Where do you currently practice your artwork?
Mostly at home in my improvised studio space or at Print Club London.
Are you self taught or have you completed any training?
Self taught all the way. My day job is being a doctor-no joke.
How would you describe your artwork/process? 
Heavily based on the tradition of Collage. A mish mash of surreal, colourful, photographic elements and patterns. 
What is your biggest influence/inspiration? 
There are too many to recount. My mother is sitting quite high up there-being an artist herself-and teaching
me to this day to explore my creative mind. 
What has been the biggest highlight of your career so far?
My Solo exhibition 'Femme Fatale' at Hang Up Gallery last December through to the end of January this year. 
It pushed me to my limits and has been so rewarding.
What are you working on at the moment?
Several original pieces and in edition tackling my take on Marilyn Monroe!
Where can people see your work? 

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